# HELP stable_memory_bytes Size of the stable memory allocated by this canister. # TYPE stable_memory_bytes gauge stable_memory_bytes 16842752 1737894434069 # HELP heap_memory_bytes Size of the heap memory allocated by this canister. # TYPE heap_memory_bytes gauge heap_memory_bytes 8781824 1737894434069 # HELP cycle_balance Cycle balance of this canister. # TYPE cycle_balance gauge cycle_balance{canister="cketh-minter"} 244575968515271 1737894434069 # HELP cketh_minter_last_observed_block The last Ethereum block the ckETH minter observed. # TYPE cketh_minter_last_observed_block gauge cketh_minter_last_observed_block 7574620 1737894434069 # HELP cketh_minter_last_processed_block The last Ethereum block the ckETH minter checked for ETH deposits. # TYPE cketh_minter_last_processed_block gauge cketh_minter_last_processed_block 7574592 1737894434069 # HELP ckerc20_minter_last_processed_block The last Ethereum block the ckETH minter checked for ERC-20 deposits. # TYPE ckerc20_minter_last_processed_block gauge ckerc20_minter_last_processed_block 7574592 1737894434069 # HELP subaccount_minter_last_processed_block The last Ethereum block the ckETH minter checked for ETH or ERC-20 (with subaccount) deposits. # TYPE subaccount_minter_last_processed_block gauge subaccount_minter_last_processed_block 7574592 1737894434069 # HELP cketh_minter_skipped_blocks Total count of Ethereum blocks that were skipped for deposits. # TYPE cketh_minter_skipped_blocks counter cketh_minter_skipped_blocks 0 1737894434069 # HELP cketh_minter_accepted_deposits The number of deposits the ckETH minter processed, by status. # TYPE cketh_minter_accepted_deposits gauge cketh_minter_accepted_deposits{status="accepted"} 715 1737894434069 cketh_minter_accepted_deposits{status="rejected"} 11 1737894434069 # HELP cketh_event_count Total number of events in the event log. # TYPE cketh_event_count gauge cketh_event_count 2234 1737894434069 # HELP cketh_minter_eth_balance Known amount of ETH on the minter's address # TYPE cketh_minter_eth_balance gauge cketh_minter_eth_balance 23921525306904490000000 1737894434069 # HELP cketh_minter_erc20_balances Known amount of ERC-20 on the minter's address # TYPE cketh_minter_erc20_balances gauge cketh_minter_erc20_balances{erc20_token="ckSepoliaLINK"} 14400000000003000000 1737894434069 cketh_minter_erc20_balances{erc20_token="ckSepoliaPEPE"} 99999999999801000000000000000000 1737894434069 cketh_minter_erc20_balances{erc20_token="ckSepoliaUSDC"} 607973774 1737894434069 # HELP cketh_minter_total_effective_tx_fees Total amount of fees across all finalized transactions ckETH -> ETH # TYPE cketh_minter_total_effective_tx_fees gauge cketh_minter_total_effective_tx_fees 132426160706578380 1737894434069 # HELP cketh_minter_total_unspent_tx_fees Total amount of unspent fees across all finalized transaction ckETH -> ETH # TYPE cketh_minter_total_unspent_tx_fees gauge cketh_minter_total_unspent_tx_fees 502142206470357600 1737894434069 # HELP cketh_oldest_incomplete_eth_withdrawal_request_age_seconds The age of the oldest incomplete ETH withdrawal request in seconds. # TYPE cketh_oldest_incomplete_eth_withdrawal_request_age_seconds gauge cketh_oldest_incomplete_eth_withdrawal_request_age_seconds 0 1737894434069 # HELP cketh_minter_last_max_fee_per_gas Last max fee per gas # TYPE cketh_minter_last_max_fee_per_gas gauge cketh_minter_last_max_fee_per_gas 6132873834 1737894434069